May 30, 2005


Oh gosh. I really need to write daily in here. There is just too much to catch up on. Well, on Friday morning at 4:00am we left on our adventure for Tikal. Our first stop along the way was at Rio Dulce. It is a beautiful river that attaches a lake and the ocean. It's got a cute beach town and almost has an island feel to it. We got in a little boat and they took us to see an old pirate castle, a bird sanctuary, and a bunch of little houses. Then we went to an "island" named Livingston. They call it an island but really it's a peninsula but the land is really swampy so you have to get to it by boat. It's a cute little island. We got to swim in the ocean. That means that in the space of 2 weeks I swam in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic. That's pretty sweet. After Rio Dulce we went to Flores and got a hotel. Me and Annie shared a room and it had air conditioning. It really was divine.

We got up really early on Saturday to be on the road by 6:00. We went to a canopy zip line that was AMAZING! There were 9 jumps that we did in the tops of the jungle. What an experience! Then we took off for Tikal. Its is quite amazing. It's a bunch of Mayan ruins and temples in the middle of the jungle. One of the temples we climbed up was used as the revel base in Return of the Jedi. There is so much history there. I wish I knew more about it. After spending the rest of the day there, we headed back to our hotel in Flores. We went to sacrament meeting the next day and the branch was so sweet! They were all so friendly and loving. More so than here in Chimal. It reminded me a lot of the people in Argentina. Today we went to the orphanage. This morning I fed Edi and held him for a while. The nurse told me that they do the operations to fix cleft pallets there and that as soon as Edi weighs over 8 pounds they will be able to operate. That's such great news! After lunch I went down and talked to the women. They were so sweet. IT was fun to talk to them and find out a little bit about who they are.

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