May 30, 2005

I went to the Rebel Base

Hey everyone! How is everything going? Things are great here. This weekend was awesome. We traveled up to Tikal but along the way stopped at Rio Dulce and a canopy zip line. Then we got to Tikal. It was so amazing. There is so much history there. It is a bunch of Mayan temple ruins. One of the ones we climbed up was used as the rebel base in Return of the Jedi. It was awesome there because it was in the middle of the jungle but when you climbed up the temples you could see for miles. You’ll all have to experience it. We are in Antigua today at the orphanage. Last Thursday while here I fell in love. His name's Edi. He’s the cutest thing you have ever seen. I will have to send pictures. He was brought in last week and is only 2 months old. And guess how much he weighs? 4.5 pounds. He is soooo tiny!!! I have never held a baby that small. It’s like holding a bundle of cloth. He has a severely cleft pallet so I guess he had trouble drinking and lost weight in those first couple months. He eats really well with a bottle though. The nurse said that once he weighs 8 pounds they will be able to do surgery to fix his mouth. Well, I have to run. Love you!
p.s. apparently some emails haven't been sending, so if you have written me and not gotten a reply, it probably just never went through. Sorry.

1 comment:

Endless Days and Northern Nights said...

haha! I look like such a dweeb waving in the background! I love that view!