May 9, 2005

Getting Settled

It seems like we have been here forever! Each day feels like we do enough for 2 days in one day. It's incredible. Today was mostly spent getting more settled in and getting the house more ready. We got up and went to exchange money and buy foam pads for the beds. Then we came back and got cinder blocks and wood for shelves and to put the beds up. We got all unpacked,oh, we also went grocery shopping. We have a lady, Silvia, who makes dinner every night and they are amazing. Seriously. She is awesome. We also have a man named Luis who drives us everywhere in his van. He is an incredible ma. He looks out for us and takes care of us. This morning while I was showering the power blew which meant no electricity and no water. So i had to get the soap off with cold water from a bucket out back. That was exciting. But Luis came and temporarily fixed the power this afternoon because the real guys probably wont come until tomorrow. We went to the mercado this afternoon. I don't really like going places all in a big group because we end up drawing a lot of attention and most are speaking English. I haven't felt at all immersed in Spanish yet, but I'm sure that once we get the projects going there will be a lot more time to speak to people. It really is amazing here. It helps you to realize what things really are important. This week should continue to be great.

1 comment:

Miss K$ said...

yeah... I wouldn't say i ever felt immersed in spanish either. HAHA. A few times, but ya... not really.