May 11, 2005


What a great day! We got up early this morning to get on a bus to Comalapa. While we were waiting I played a little bit of soccer with some little kids in an alley. The bus finally came, but man, was it packed! There were 3 or 4 people squished on every seat and then we all squished in the isle. We rode like that almost the whole way. Once we got to Comalapa Martin was there to take us out to a tiny town of 570 called Xetonox. Their first language is Kachikel, but they all speak Spanish. They are the people that we are tyring to help put in a water system. They have already done so much work. 

We spent the day digging a ditch for 1000 meters of PVC pipes. They were so excited to have us there.Martin said that none of the kids and many of the adults had ever seen North Americans. It was like we were movie stars or something. A little girl gave me a little corazoncito that she made in school for mother's day. It was such a great experience to be more immersed in Spanish and also to feel so appreciated. It is so amazing to see how much people can love us without even knowing us. They express their appreciation so well. I need to learn to be better about that and open up and tell people how I feel. We are supposed to make some goals for what we want to get out of this experience, and that is one of them. I also want to be more outgoing and take more of an initiative. I also think that by being away from everyone and everything, that I will be able to realize better what makes me happy...truly happy. I know that service makes us all happy, but I can find out better my interests and what is my niche in life. I love giving service and I love being here in Guatemala, but I've also started to realized that I have other goals and I can't just keep taking off on adventures.

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