May 10, 2005


We bought a puppy today. He's really cute. I don't think he has a name yet. We went out this morning to get stuff for square-foot gardening and then also came home with a dog. We got our garden planted and I'm excited to go out and teach people how to do it. A few from the group went out to some pueblos to check out their needs and it sounds like we are going to be able to work with them. Tomorrow we are going out to help install water pipes. We went over to DeJavu tonight to sing for mother's day. It was pretty funny. We had a good time. That's about all I have for today.

1 comment:

Miss K$ said...

Wouldn't be amazing to be able to be in that room again with those people again... singing songs with no real words again!

Hey check out my guate posts.
Since there are several-- here is the link to 2005 blog. Go to the bottom.