March 15, 2010

Notre Maison

Got up early this morning to got to the orphanage Notre Maison. There are about 40 kids there right now. About half have disabilities. They were so stinking cute. Very well taken care of, happy, and they have enough food.
While we were there 2 Chaplains and a couple other soldiers from the US Army came and dropped off some supplies.

Mikel was a cutie. He would just dance and dance to the tape they had playing-classics like "This Little Light of Mine," "The Lord said to Noah," "Onward Christian Soldiers," "If You're Happy and You Know it," etc.

When using 98% DEET, how many applications are too many? Hopefully the consequences aren't worse than malaria.
Schools have been canceled, potential until next year. The neighborhood by the orphanage decided to organize their own little school. They have about 150 kids meeting each day so they have something to do. It's great to see people trying to make the most of the situation.
A bug just flew up my nose.
There is a turkey outside that competes with the rooster. They make noise all night long. Usually the dogs drowned them out though.
Sorry about all the random thoughts. I'm having a hard time remembering what we've done since my last entry. I blame it on the DEET.
Some of the boys at Notre Maison showed me how good they are at writing


Erin said...

I love it Kirsti. Best wishes while you're there. Give extra hugs and loves to the kids for us please.

Lizzie Jones said...

Dear Sheersti-

Please don't die. Please come home. Please give all of those people big hugs for us. Please let them know we love them and are thinking of them and are praying for them. We miss you.


Everyone at work