March 31, 2011


We did one last outreach clinic up in the mountains today. I triaged for a little bit (in Haiti I'm apparently qualified to be a nurse) and then spent the rest of the time in the "pharmacy" (small room in the school we were set up in with a table full of drugs we had brought). I'm getting pretty good at reading doctor's handwriting and writing "1 fua pa dua" one pill a day. I also got to actually be a nutritionist (finally using my degree) and give counceling to one lady with diabetes and a lot of high blood pressure patients. It's hard to councel on what to eat because, like the woman with diabetes said, they don't get to choose what they eat, they just eat whatever is available. It's heartbreaking really.
Also, some of the teachers were asking if we could somehow help them with a school food program. They said so many of the kids come to school but can't learn because they are just too hungry to pay attention. Hopefully we can get them in contact with a "food for the poor" type program. We were up in the mountains and the ride up was really beautiful. Because of the deforrestation, there is a lot of errossion, but someone has come in a taught the people terracing. It's amazing to look across to the other side of the mountain and see crops moving up the mountain on terraces. There were also a lot of vegetable gardens and cows. It's good to see that they are able to produce food in large quantities.

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