March 16, 2010

Becoming a pharmacist and a CNA all in one day

I was assigned to the tent clinic today to work in the pharmacy with Daryl and Stew. We have more medications than we know how to store. It is amazing how many medications were donated. We'll probably take some of them over to Miami hospital to fill their shelves as well. I was running supplies down to the tent and Amanda asked if I'd help her dress some wounds. Sure. It was a lady, frail as can be with three bed-soars, one deeper than anything I've ever seen. She hardly has hair and is wearing a diaper. She's 27 years old. Her brother and boyfriend are with her, carefully caring for her. Amanda says her wounds look pretty good, consider the conditions. Only the smaller one on her ankle is infected. I ask if there is any way they will heal. She says no, but at least we can clean them and hope she doesn't die of sepsis. This woman probably has AIDS. They said she got sick about six months ago. Her brother showed us a picture of her. She was BEAUTIFUL! Healthy, beautiful hair, shining face. In just six months she has become what we saw today. Her face is still beautiful. She has kind eyes. But she is so weak. As her brother carried her away when we were finished she looked at me and waved, trying to force a smile even though you can just see by her face how much pain she is in. It was her way to say thank you.

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