Here's my beef with hot chocolate. I always burn my tongue on it so I can't taste anything for the next three days. It's super sugary so my mouth feels gross, then my stomach feels gross. It makes me get too warm on the inside so my cheeks get flushed. But for some reason I always accept a cup of hot cocoa. I know I'm not going to be happy with it and I'm going to feel weird when I'm done drinking.
I understand, I think I love hot chocolate, but then whenever I drink it I feel too hot and sweaty and sick and then I tell myself I don't love it, but then when there is a chance to drink it again I always do, and then I regret it
So what is your favorite hot drink? Te Guarani? I miss you tons! Please forgive me, I am terrible about responding to emails. I love your blog! I'm glad that you found mine. How did you find it anyway? I think that you should take trip to Chicago. I would love to see you!
That is so funny. I think you need to try it out in a cold snowy day so that you really need it to make you warm from the inside out. Then maybe it won't have the too hot sweaty effect. And I don't have a suggestion for the sugary thing...truly nothing is too sugary for me.
What?! What hot chocolate are you drinking? You are too funny...
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