Monday night we arrived up in the western fjords in Skei I Jolster. We spent the week here going on day tours to different villages and glaciers. It was pretty cold and rainy but we saw some pretty incredible scenery. On Tuesday we started the day by going to a tiny little village that sells old used books. They had 10 different book shops all right in a row. This is probably my favorite picture of the trip. We also went to a glacier.
Bergen is a very touristy port city. We got in Saturday afternoon and stayed until Monday afternoon. We did some sight-seeing while we were there but didn't have the best luck with weather. We went to Edvard Grieg's home, took a ride in a tram up to a lookout point, walked around the port, toured a castle, and went to an aquarium. I also got to see my friend's little sister who is serving a mission right now. She spoke in church on Sunday and then we ran into her on Monday in a shop.This is a wolf fish. Super ugly and they don't even taste good.Sister Engebretsen.
We drove 8 hours to Bergen last Saturday. It was a long drive but super pretty. It was probably the nicest weather we had had so far on the trip. Too bad we were stuck in the car but here are some pics we took along the way.
Here we are outside of Bente and Arne's house just before we left last Saturday for Bergen. They were such amazing hosts-so fun and friendly. Bente made sure to keep us well fed. They are such great people. Bente got mad at me for not being able to speak Norwegian, but I know she loves me anyway ;) .
We said goodbye to Uncle Knut. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to see him again. But I love this picture. He is carryin his chess set. He is so addicted to that game. I love it!
Friday night we went to Cousin Silvia and Terie's house for dinner. A couple of their kids (Maria and Will) were there too. It's been fun to connect with our family here. My dad has done a great job sending Christmas cards and keeping them updated on who we are. They all say it's great to finally meet us. After dinner we sat around chatting and singing. So fun!
Last Thursday we had a big family reunion dinner so that the family could meet "their American cousins." It was so funny because we just awkwardly stood in a line as they came in to greet us. I felt like we were in a wedding line. A few people spoke some English so that was fun. Here's a video trying to capture the moment.
This is my dad's cousin Ingyard. I just love her! We couldn't really communicate, but she was just so loving. She kept saying how I have my grandmas eyes only different coloring (my grandma had dark brown hair). Ingyard is such a doll!!!
Yesterday we drove out to the farm my grandma lived in until she was 13. This is the church where my grandma was christened.We also went to the graveyard where my great grandparents and other relatives were buried. My Great Grandma Karethe was born in April 1880 and my Great Grandpa Karl was born in September 1882.
Knut is my grandma's baby brother and the only living sibling. He looks EXACTLY my grandma. It's crazy! He is such a stud. He'll be 89 in August. The first day we met him he told us we should get on the internet and use Google translate so we can communicate better. He stays up super late at night watching soccer and playing chess on-line with people in China. He loves cracking jokes and is a little bit sassy. I love it!
Tuesday we drove out to Porsgrunn where my Grandma grew up. We are staying with my dad's cousin Bente and her husband Arne until Saturday. They don't speak English but she is a fantastic cook! She even has a walk in fridge. There son Jens-Arne is 30 and lives about 5 minutes from here. He has cerebral palsy and is a fighter. He is super independent and speaks English amazingly well and has been pretty much our only link to conversation. We've had a lot of fun talking with him and playing Uno. This is Bente's house. I now understand why my Grandma's house was decorated the way it was.
I'm a little behind. Sorry. On Monday we looked around the city a little more and then headed out to the country to Cousin Frank's. Garmin has become the eigth member of our family on this trip. He/she (that's still under debate) is the GPS we've been using to get us around. So far Garmin has gotten us lost more than anything. She does speak many lnaguages which is fun, but it took us 2 and a half hours to get to Frank's when it should have only taken an hour. We ended up on some country road that was not made for the van we are driving and we had to cut through a farm. Let's just say the farmer was shocked to see us come through his back yard. When we asked him how to get to the golf course he just laughed and said "20 miles that way." We eventually made it. We went to the golf course's country club for dinner and ate deer. It was pretty good. They topped it off with strawberries and icecream and then we went back to Frank's for more dessert. We eat at least 5 times a day here. I think I'm going to explode :).
Today is Norway's Constitution Day. It was quite the celebration. We walked to the palace this morning to watch the Children's Parade.Something like 190 schools were represented at the parade.
The King and Queen
Streets of downtown Oslo
We ate dinner at my with mt dad's cousin Evelyn and husband Arne, their son Thomas and his family, and Cousin Frank
This was the view from my window this 5:30. Yep, 5:30. The sun came up around 4:30 I think and then woke me up. The sun "goes down" around 10:00 pm but it didn't get completely dark until midnight. I think I like having so much light, even though I am so very tired.
My brother and I went running this morning at Vigelandsparken park. When went back later as a family to check out all the sculptures. I guess many years ago the city of Olso contracted a famous sculptor to fill the new park with statues. He said he would on the condition that no one could see his work until he was finished. They agreed. On the day of the unveiling the city was SHOCKED to find out that all the scultptures are NUDE! Haha. It was a very concervative time and he was a very forward thinker. It caused a lot of controversy, but no one cares anymore.
"The Little Bad Angry Boy"
The other little bad angry boy
And this little kid made my day. Who knew you could ride a razor scooter before you could walk?!
That's right. The Vogeler Clan is in Norway. It should be quite the adventure. I've never seen so many blonde people all together. This is my first time traveling to another country where I don't stick out. They just assume I'm from here. That is until they realize I don't even pronounce my own name right. No, but it's a beautiful country. I'm excited to get out and see more of it.
After 14 years of being the best dog ever, we said goodbye to Zeus on Wednesday. My brother Eric is a way better writer than I'll ever be so here's a link to what he had to say about Zeusy.