We have had a great last two days. Yesterday we did the most intense part of our study. We did a sensory panel where each child was interviewed while tasting the cookies. They had 6 questions for 5 different cookies, each with a different level of calcium. After we gathered the data, it showed that there was no significant difference in the cookies, meaning that even the highest level of calcium we used wasn`t detected. That`s great news.

Today we brought cookies with the highest level of calcium but this time made with the three different grains and they put them in order from what they liked the most to least.
That`s all the data we need to know so tomorrow we are going to give them hygiene kits as gifts for helping us. After the school yesterday we went shopping. For those of you in Guatemala with me last year, just think Antigua. It was fun.

The people of Bolivia are so great. I`ve been amazed at how well mannered they are. I haven`t had one person yell ¨rubia¨ at
me, they don`t yell ¨gringos,¨ and I feel safe. Bartering here is also done so kindly. People just say, ¨do you think you could lower the price for me a little?¨ and they do. It`s great. Such great people.

Today after the school we went to lake Titicaca. It was so beautiful! You should all come see it. It`s been cold (the other night it snowed in El Alto and everything higher) but the sun was out today so the cold was tolerable.
We just got back from a book fair. It was amazing! So many books everywhere. Tomorrow we are going to the ruins of Tiuanacu. Then to the airport. I feel like I have been here for weeks. I think because the days are so long. But also because we have been so immersed here.

There are the four of us and five Bolivianos so we learn so much
from them. It has been such a great experience.