After a few lessons with Erminio, we decided we would teach him about the 10 commandments, specifically that we are to pray only to God and not to Saints. The lesson was going great, until we brought up Saints. Erminio got a concerned looked on his face. He went into his bedroom and brought out a small picture of San Valentino, and with all the earnestness in his little heart began to share his testimony to us of San Valentino, and how whenever he prays to him, he can get any woman he wants. Just in case you forgot, Erminio is in his 70's. And he just told us if he prays to this saint he can get any woman he want. Wow.
Well, I looked at my companion and we started giggling. Then the giggling turned to uncontrollable laughter. I know. Not the most mature response. But really? Really Erminio? Did you really just tell us that? He asked what was so funny and I made up some excuse about how we were really tired and something earlier had happened that was funny, etc., etc. I'm not sure if he bought it. Then my companion asked if she could use his bathroom. Great. Now it's just me and Erminio. After some awkward silence and me hoping he didn't pray to San Valentino right then and there, my companion came out. We ended the lesson and left.
Every Valentines day I can't help but think of Erminio and wonder if is still praying to San Valentino.